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Integrated Support Systems inc

ISSi is a SBA certified Small Disadvantaged Business (Hispanic owned and operated firm) and a Vietnam era Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. ISSi is a technology solutions integrator and small business Team Leader.

ISSi has a 30-year record of innovation in data management, integration, systems administration and information assurance for DBMS driven web applications, including massive web postings for F.O.I.A., Discovery, etc. And doing so while ensuring Section 508 compliance for websites and web-enabled legacy Apps that are primarily SQL-Server using ASP .NET, Java and VB, but also web development that is Oracle and JAVA driven. In the most recent 15 years, ISSi has been awarded high performance ratings by our clients for services including software design and facility management with QA ratings from 98+ to 100 percentile and 4.7 on the “5 scale.” On TASK ORDER based vehicles, we received high marks for performance, staff management, Task Order management and invoice accuracy and timeliness. On our GSA Report Card for Schedule 70 (GS-35F-0111L), is repeatedly awarded Exceptional ratings.

ISSi is proud of the robust consortium of small businesses we have brought together to address large and complex tasks as a Team. The small businesses include Veteran, Service Disabled Veteran, American Indian and other SDB’s, HUD, 8(a) and Women- owned firms. This Team of trusted small business partners has grown considerably in the recent five years and we expect further growth from close association with The National Minority Technology Council.